• The CWRCA encourages out of school youth to study windshield repair

    The California Windshield Repair Contractors Association (CWRCA) has encouraged a group of Out Of School Youths to go back to school, and get certified to become windshield repair technicians.


    A San Diego-based foundation has invited the CWRCA to send a speaker who can present during an Out of School Youth Seminar sponsored by the local government. “The idea of the seminar is to encourage these out of school youths to work for their future and that they do not need a bachelor’s degree in order to have a bright future,” explains Michelle Manson, Chairperson of the Out-Of-School Youth Foundation.


    Manson says they thought of inviting a Subject Matter Expert from the CWRCA who can speak about a possible career in being a Windshield Repair Technician, and in the future possibly owning a business like such. National Windshield Repair Association


    “We want to inspire them through other people who have achieved success already. Who are experts, who now own businesses and work for themselves,” explains Manson.


    CWRCA President Jacob Taylor says now is the best time to encourage more people to try getting themselves certified and get to the business. “If you are the type of person who does not want to be tied on to your desk for eight hours and more, then this is the career for you. You get to meet different people, you can literally apply all the learnings you have gained in school, and you will be presented with a different challenge everyday as you tackle a whole new different technical issue on a daily basis,” explains Taylor.


    For those interested on how to become an auto glass technician, Learn.org tried to explain how in one of their web posts. Repair of Laminated Autoglass Standards


    “Independent courses in glass repair are also available through community colleges and vocational schools in collaboration with the National Glass Association (NGA) and through such organizations as the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR). The properties of glass, removal and installation methods, tools, adhesives and glass safety standards are among the topics you can expect to encounter.”


    Check out the rest of the information here.


    At the end of the forum, Taylor mentioned that the CWRCA will be more than willing to help fund the scholarship of at least five out of school youths who will decide to take on a certification course. According to Taylor, the CWRCA has existing scholarship programs that can aid those who want to join their industry in the future but have no means to finance their education and training.


    City Auto Glass San Diego
    6620 Miramar Rd #102, San Diego, CA 92121


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